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An intuitive tool that allows users to create fully customizable concept maps and share with their peers

An intuitive tool that allows users to create fully customizable concept maps and share with their peers

Vote: (75 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: IHMC

Version: 6.04

Works under: Windows

Also available for Mac


Program license

(75 votes)






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  • Design tools for charts and graphs
  • Templates available
  • Colored illustrations


  • Can be slow to share

Stay organized with maps that you can make with this program.

Whether you're taking classes or you need to stay organized for work, this tools program is one that allows you to create charts and other files that can be shared with others. The program is easy to use and features several different design ideas for making tables and other documents. You can easily organize all of the projects that you need to complete and share online. Templates are available if you aren't sure how to make your design, or you can use the boxes and blank spaces for your own ideas.

This is a program that offers colorful illustrations that can be added to each design. From charts with tiers to graphs that compare one item to another, you'll see that it's easy to make any kind of presentation that is needed for an employer, for a teacher or even for the home so that you can organize shopping needs or cleaning schedules.

Tools are available for completing concept maps, which are ideal for those who are taking a class that requires you to write papers. You can input the information that you want to include in the paper, viewing the best way to place the information in the paper so that it can be easily read. It's a tool that can help with organizing notes for a class as you can keep each chapter separated from other ones, giving you a way to review the important notes that you need to keep in mind for a test. All you have to do to operate the program is to double click on the screen, creating new boxes for text and images, before scrolling to another blank page.


  • Design tools for charts and graphs
  • Templates available
  • Colored illustrations


  • Can be slow to share